Chi Kung Teacher Training
Whether you want to deepen into your practice, begin a meaningful journey with Chi Kung, or train to be a Chi Kung Teacher, CECK's Teacher Training course could be your next step
What is Elemental Chi Kung
Elemental Chi Kung is a progressive approach to chi kung that incorporates classic styles and philosophies with modern bodymind and energy concepts. The approach explores body and chi awareness as a way to deepen into our internal chi flow through movement, stillness, meditation, and breath. A creative space is sought to allow our essential nature to express itself and bring about transformation to an innermost reality.
Chi Kung is an ancient Chinese form of movement exercise that promotes the flow of Chi (vital energy) through the body. It translates as ‘energy work’ in English and comprises exercises for stretching and mobilising the body and joints, breathing techniques, slow movement exercises, static postures, special walking methods and meditation.
Chi is the body’s vital energy which Chi Kung builds up to establish a physiological and psychological harmony. Most of the theory behind Chi Kung is common to Chinese Medicine with which it has a traditional link. Chi Kung is also associated with Taoist and Buddhist philosophies and practices, particularly Taoist.
Chi Kung generally does not have complex ‘forms’. Chi Kung movements are simple. Each action aims to move Chi in a specific way. The movements often take their inspiration from the movement of animals and nature and can look quite beautiful. Sometimes the movements follow energy channels in the body and sometimes they orient around internal organs or parts of the body.
Come And Join Us
Teacher Training
The courses are designed to be a journey of self exploration where you will realise your energetic potential and develop the skills to pass this on to others.
All of our workshops are led by Thalbert Allen, co-founder and director of CECK. Experience and learn with us in an inclusive and relaxed environment.