About The College
The College’s intention is to offer a high standard of teaching that allows students to learn through their own discovery. The course is taught in a reflective way that acknowledges the deep intelligence within each of us.
The course was set up in 1999 for people wanting to become Chi Kung practitioners and/or teachers in the field, the training offers a learning programme that can be undertaken by individuals leading to either a practitioner diploma or a teaching diploma.
The course aims to produce safe, skilful and creative Chi Kung practitioners and teachers. The tutor team are experienced in practising and teaching Chi Kung.
The Team
Thalbert Allen
Thalbert is Co-Founder, Director & Principal Tutor of the College of Elemental Chi Kung. Drawing on his depth of study in both martial arts and Chi Kung, Thalbert has been training the next generation of Chi Kung teachers for over 20 years. His main aim is to demystify the work making the basic technology more accessible. Thalbert offers regular workshops and classes and is also available for private tuition.
Susan Garrity
Susan qualified through the College of Elemental Chi Kung in 2010. As well as being Principal Tutor at CECK, Susan also currently works as a complementary health practitioner encompassing Thai yoga, holistic massage therapies and reflexology. Part of her work involves engaging people within the community who experience autism and disability. Further Chi Kung study took Susan to Scotland where she subsequently qualified as a tutor with the Qi Gong Teacher Association UK. She loves watching peoples' transformation through the Chi Kung training and practice.
Carol Blakemore
Carol qualified through the College of Elemental Chi Kung in 2010 after many years working as a lawyer. Alongside working as a Principal Tutor at CECK, Carol also runs Chi Kung sessions at GP practices and professional workplaces as well as instructing privately. However, her main focus is teaching through mental health organisations. She is a great believer in the playful power of Chi Kung and its ability to encourage an insightful relationship with the self. She also has a background in Hatha and Scaravelli yoga.
Sue Reed
Sue is a Chartered Physiotherapist and craniosacral therapist specialising in sports injuries and the treatment of children. Her love of sport and nature led her to the French Alps where she established a specialised sports clinic in 1990. She is organising a series of Chi Kung courses for skiers. She now lives in Italy where her clinic “Ilrespirodellavita” “ the Breath of Life” specialises in helping people reconnect to health, nature and their intuition during all of life’s transitions. She teaches regular Chi Kung classes in Italy and runs workshops around women’s health.